
html2textrc(5)                File Formats Manual               html2textrc(5)

       html2textrc - formatting properties file for html2text(1)

       Key [ = | : ] Value

       The  html2textrc(5) file defines a set of formatting properties used by
       the html2text(1) utility, that overrides the program's built-in format-
       ting  defaults.   Each line of the html2textrc(5) file is either a for-
       matting property or a comment.

       Lines with a leading "#" or "!" (i.e. the first non-space character  is
       a "#" or a "!")  and blank lines (i.e. a line consisting only of white-
       space characters), are considered  comments  and  ignored.   Everything
       else  is  literary  interpreted by the parser as a formatting property,
       where a string-type property value may also be  empty  (unsets  default
       value).   Both, the property key and the property value, may contain C-
       style escape sequences to mask meta characters.

       A property definition line consists of:

       (1)    Optional leading space,

       (2)    the property key (a sequence of non-space characters except  "="
              and ":") as described below,

       (3)    an optional space,

       (4)    an optional "=" or ":",

       (5)    optional space,

       (6)    the property value as described below.
              Everything up to the next newline is interpreted literary as the
              value of the specified element. Literary  meant  leading  white-
              space  must be quoted with backslashes (i.e. "\ "). Be aware not
              to include unwanted trailing white-space characters.

       The following is the list of valid formatting properties, together with
       their default values. If the -style command line option of html2text(1)
       is used, different default values apply.

       Curly braces indicate alternatives, e.g.  {A B}C stands for AC or BC.

       DOCUMENT.{vspace.{before after} indent.{left right}} = 0
              Specifies how many blank lines are inserted  before  and  after,
              and  how  many blank columns are inserted to the left and to the
              right of the formatted document.  (Numeric.)

       BODY.{vspace.{before after} indent.{left right}} = 0
              Same for the document body. (Since the  document  body  is  cur-
              rently  the only document part that is rendered, it is virtually
              the same whether you specify DOCUMENT or BODY).  (Numeric.)

       {OL UL DIR MENU DL}.vspace.{before between after} = 0
              Specifies how many blank lines are inserted before a  list,  be-
              tween the individual list items, and after the list.  (Numeric.)

       {OL UL DIR MENU}.indents = 6
              Specifies by how deep list items are indented. If an item bullet
              would not fit into the space created by  the  indentation,  then
              the  indentation is automatically increased such that the bullet
              fits in (relevant for relatively wide bullets, e.g.  roman  num-
              bers).    If N blank-separated integers are specified instead of
              one, then the first N-1 integers  specify  indentation  for  the
              first  N-1 list nesting levels, while the last integer specifies
              the indentation for nesting levels N and higher.  (Numeric.)

       {UL DIR}.default_types = DISC CIRCLE SQUARE
              Specifies the default list type (i.e. the bullet style), if  the
              HTML  list  tag  does not specify an explicit type. Legal values
              are NO_BULLET, DISC, SQUARE, CIRCLE, CUSTOM1, CUSTOM2  and  CUS-
              TOM3.   If more than one value is specified, then the values ap-
              ply for the respective list nesting levels (see indents).   (Op-

       MENU.default_types = NO_BULLET
              Same for <MENU>, but here the default is NO_BULLET.  (Option.)

       LI.{disc square circle custom1 custom2 custom3}_bullet = {* # o + - ~}
              Specifies the strings used as list item bullets.  (String.)

       {DT DD}.{vspace.{before after} indent.{left right}} = 0
              Specifies  how  many  blank lines are inserted before and after,
              and how many blank columns are inserted to the left and  to  the
              right of each <DT> or <DD> element.  (Numeric.)

       HR.marker = =
              Specifies the character to use for horizontal rules.  (String.)

       HR.{vspace.{before after} indent.{left right}} = 0
              Specifies  how  many  blank lines are inserted before and after,
              and how many blank columns are inserted to the left and  to  the
              right of the horizontal rule.  (Numeric.)

       {H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6}.prefix = {****** ***** **** *** ** *}
              Specifies how headings are decorated with a prefix. (The default
              values have a trailing blank, e.g. "****** ".)  (String.)

       {H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6}.suffix = {****** ***** **** *** ** *}
              Specifies how headings are decorated with a suffix. (The default
              values have a leading blank, e.g. "\ ******".)  (String.)

       {H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6}.vspace.{before after} = 0
              Specifies  how  many  blank  lines are inserted before and after
              headings.  (Numeric.)

       {PRE P}.{vspace.{before after} indent.{left right}} = 0
              Specifies how many blank lines are inserted  before  and  after,
              and  how  many blank columns are inserted to the left and to the
              right of these items.  (Numeric.)

       {BLOCKQUOTE ADDRESS}.{vspace.{before after} indent.{left right}} = {0 0
       5 5}
              Specifies  how  many  blank lines are inserted before and after,
              and how many blank columns are inserted to the left and  to  the
              right of these items.  (Numeric.)

       TABLE.vspace.{before after} = 0
              Specifies how many blank lines are inserted before and after ta-
              bles.  (Numeric.)

       {H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6}.attributes = BOLD
              Specifies the cell attributes for headings. The value is  a  se-
              quence of NONE, BOLD, UNDERLINE and STRIKETHROUGH.  (Option.)

              Specifies  the cell attributes for these text items.  Legal val-
              ues are: NONE, BOLD, UNDERLINE or STRIKETHROUGH.  (Option.)

       U.attributes = UNDERLINE
              Same for <U> elements, but with a different default value.  (Op-

       {B EM STRONG}.attributes = BOLD
              Same  for  these  elements,  but with a different default value.

       STRIKE.attributes = STRIKETHROUGH
              Same for <STRIKE> elements, but with a different default  value.

       A.attributes.{internal_link external_link} = UNDERLINE
              Specifies  the  cell attributes for links. A link is an <A> ele-
              ment that has an "HREF" attribute. An internal link  is  a  link
              whose  "HREF"  attribute starts with a hash character (e.g.  "<A
              href="#42">").  Legal values are again NONE, BOLD, UNDERLINE and
              STRIKETHROUGH.  (Option.)

       IMG.replace.{all noalt} = unset
              Specifies  the  string  used  to  replace all <IMG> elements, or
              those without an "ALT" attribute set.  (String.)

       IMG.alt.{prefix suffix} = {[ ]}
              Specifies how the values (if any) of  IMG  elements'  "ALT"  at-
              tributes are marked.  (String.)

       Current maintainer and primary download location for html2text is:
       Martin Bayer <> <>


                                  2001-06-11                    html2textrc(5)
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