reprepro - produce, manage and sync a local repository of Debian pack-
reprepro --help
reprepro [ options ] command [ per-command-arguments ]
reprepro is a tool to manage a repository of Debian packages (.deb,
.udeb, .dsc, ...). It stores files either being injected manually or
downloaded from some other repository (partially) mirrored into a pool/
hierarchy. Managed packages and checksums of files are stored in a
Berkeley DB database file, so no database server is needed. Checking
signatures of mirrored repositories and creating signatures of the gen-
erated Package indices is supported.
Former working title of this program was mirrorer.
Options can be specified before the command. Each affects a different
subset of commands and is ignored by other commands.
-h --help
Displays a short list of options and commands with description.
-v, -V, --verbose
Be more verbose. Can be applied multiple times. One uppercase -V
counts as five lowercase -v.
Be less verbose. Can be applied multiple times. One -v and one
-s cancel each other out.
-f, --force
This option is ignored, as it no longer exists.
-b, --basedir basedir
Sets the base-dir all other default directories are relative to.
If none is supplied and the REPREPRO_BASE_DIR environment vari-
able is not set either, the current directory will be used.
--outdir outdir
Sets the base-dir of the repository to manage, i.e. where the
pool/ subdirectory resides. And in which the dists/ directory is
placed by default. If this starts with '+b/', it is relative to
The default for this is basedir.
--confdir confdir
Sets the directory where the configuration is searched in.
If this starts with '+b/', it is relative to basedir.
If none is given, +b/conf (i.e. basedir/conf) will be used.
--distdir distdir
Sets the directory to generate index files relatively to. (i.e.
things like Packages.gz, Sources.gz and Release.gpg)
If this starts with '+b/', it is relative to basedir, if start-
ing with '+o/' relative to outdir.
If none is given, +o/dists (i.e. outdir/dists) is used.
Note: apt has dists hard-coded in it, so this is mostly only
useful for testing or when your webserver pretends another di-
rectory structure than your physical layout.
Warning: Beware when changing this forth and back between two
values not ending in the same directory. Reprepro only looks if
files it wants are there. If nothing of the content changed and
there is a file it will not touch it, assuming it is the one it
wrote last time, assuming any different --distdir ended in the
same directory. So either clean a directory before setting
--distdir to it or do an export with the new one first to have a
consistent state.
--logdir logdir
The directory where files generated by the Log: directive are
stored if they have no absolute path.
If this starts with '+b/', it is relative to basedir, if start-
ing with '+o/' relative to outdir, with '+c/' relative to
If none is given, +b/logs (i.e. basedir/logs) is used.
--dbdir dbdir
Sets the directory where reprepro keeps its databases.
If this starts with '+b/', it is relative to basedir, if start-
ing with '+o/' relative to outdir, with '+c/' relative to
If none is given, +b/db (i.e. basedir/db) is used.
Note: This is permanent data, no cache. One has almost to regen-
erate the whole repository when this is lost.
--listdir listdir
Sets the directory where it downloads indices to when importing
from other repositories. This is temporary data and can be
safely deleted when not in an update run.
If this starts with '+b/', it is relative to basedir, if start-
ing with '+o/' relative to outdir, with '+c/' relative to
If none is given, +b/lists (i.e. basedir/lists) is used.
--morguedir morguedir
Files deleted from the pool are stored into morguedir.
If this starts with '+b/', it is relative to basedir, if start-
ing with '+o/' relative to outdir, with '+c/' relative to
If none is given, deleted files are just deleted.
--methoddir methoddir
Look in methoddir instead of /usr/lib/apt/methods for methods to
call when importing from other repositories.
-C, --component components
Limit the specified command to this components only. This will
force added packages to this components, limit removing packages
from this components, only list packages in this components,
and/or otherwise only look at packages in this components, de-
pending on the command in question.
Multiple components are specified by separating them with |, as
in -C 'main|contrib'.
-A, --architecture architectures
Limit the specified command to this architectures only. (i.e.
only list such packages, only remove packages from the specified
architectures, or otherwise only look at/act on this architec-
tures depending on the specific command).
Multiple architectures are specified by separating them with |,
as in -A 'sparc|i386'.
Note that architecture all packages can be included to each ar-
chitecture but are then handled separately. Thus by using -A in
a specific way one can have different versions of an architec-
ture all package in different architectures of the same distri-
-T, --type dsc|deb|udeb
Limit the specified command to this packagetypes only. (i.e.
only list such packages, only remove such packages, only include
such packages, ...)
-S, --section section
Overrides the section of inclusions. (Also override possible
override files)
-P, --priority priority
Overrides the priority of inclusions. (Also override possible
override files)
This option specify whether and how the high level actions (e.g.
install, update, pull, delete) should export the index files of
the distributions they work with.
In this mode every distribution the action handled will be ex-
ported, unless there was an error possibly corrupting it.
Note that only missing files and files whose intended content
changed between before and after the action will be written. To
get a guaranteed current export, use the export action.
For backwards compatibility, lookedat is also available under
the old name normal. The name normal is deprecated and will be
removed in future versions.
In this mode every distribution actually changed will be ex-
ported, unless there was an error possibly corrupting it. (i.e.
if nothing changed, not even missing files will be created.)
Note that only missing files and files whose intended content
changed between before and after the action will be written. To
get a guaranteed current export, use the export action.
Always export all distributions looked at, even if there was
some error possibly bringing it into a inconsistent state.
No index files are exported. You will have to call export later.
Note that you most likely additionally need the --keepunrefer-
encedfiles option, if you do not want some of the files pointed
to by the untouched index files to vanish.
Like never, but suppress most output about that.
Ignore errors of type what. See the section ERROR IGNORING for
possible values.
When running update, checkupdate or predelete do not download
any Release or index files. This is hardly useful except when
you just run one of those command for the same distributions.
And even then reprepro is usually good in not downloading except
Release and Release.gpg files again.
If nothing was done, return with exitcode 1 instead of the usual
Note that "nothing was done" means the primary purpose of the
action in question. Auxiliary actions (opening and closing the
database, exporting missing files with --export=lookedat, ...)
usually do not count. Also note that this is not very well
tested. If you find an action that claims to have done some-
thing in some cases where you think it should not, please let me
Do not delete temporary .new files when exporting a distribution
fails. (reprepro first create .new files in the dists directory
and only if everything is generated, all files are put into
their final place at once. If this option is not specified and
something fails, all are deleted to keep dists clean).
Do not delete files that are no longer used because the package
they are from is deleted/replaced with a newer version from the
last distribution it was in.
The include, includedsc, includedeb and processincoming by de-
fault delete any file they added to the pool that is not marked
used at the end of the operation. While this keeps the pool
clean and allows changing before trying to add again, this needs
copying and checksum calculation every time one tries to add a
Do not try to rmdir parent directories after files or directo-
ries have been removed from them. (Do this if your directories
have special permissions you want keep, do not want to be
pestered with warnings about errors to remove them, or have a
buggy rmdir call deleting non-empty directories.)
Ask for passphrases when signing things and one is needed. This
is a quick and dirty and unsafe implementation using the obso-
lete getpass(3) function with the description gpgme is supply-
ing. So the prompt will look quite funny and support for
passphrases with more than 8 characters depend on your libc.
Use of this option is not recommended. Use gpg-agent with pinen-
try instead.
(With current versions of gnupg you need to set pinentry-mode
loopback in your .gnupg/gpg.conf file to use --ask-passphrase.
Without that option gnupg uses the much safer and recommended
pinentry instead).
When updating do not skip targets where no new index files and
no files marked as already processed are available.
If you changed a script to preprocess downloaded index files or
changed a Listfilter, you most likely want to call reprepro with
--waitforlock count
If there is a lockfile indicating another instance of reprepro
is currently using the database, retry count times after waiting
for 10 seconds each time. The default is 0 and means to error
out instantly.
--spacecheck full|none
The default is full:
In the update commands, check for every to be downloaded file
which filesystem it is on and how much space is left.
To disable this behaviour, use none.
--dbsafetymargin bytes-count
If checking for free space, reserve byte-count bytes on the
filesystem containing the db/ directory. The default is
104857600 (i.e. 100MB), which is quite large. But as there is
no way to know in advance how large the databases will grow and
libdb is extremely touchy in that regard, lower only when you
know what you do.
--safetymargin bytes-count
If checking for free space, reserve byte-count bytes on filesys-
tems not containing the db/ directory. The default is 1048576
(i.e. 1MB).
Don't set the environment variable GPG_TTY, even when it is not
set, stdin is terminal and /proc/self/fd/0 is a readable sym-
bolic link.
Set the GNUPGHOME evnironment variable to the given directory as
argument to this option. And your gpg will most likely use the
content of this variable instead of "~/.gnupg". Take a look at
gpg(1) to be sure. This option in the command line is usually
not very useful, as it is possible to set the environment vari-
able directly. Its main reason for existence is that it can be
used in conf/options.
--gunzip gz-uncompressor
While reprepro links against libz, it will look for the program
given with this option (or gunzip if not given) and use that
when uncompressing index files while downloading from remote
repositories. (So that downloading and uncompression can happen
at the same time). If the program is not found or is NONE (all-
uppercase) then uncompressing will always be done using the
built in uncompression method. The program has to accept the
compressed file as stdin and write the uncompressed file into
--bunzip2 bz2-uncompressor
When uncompressing downloaded index files or when not linked
against libbz2 reprepro will use this program to uncompress .bz2
files. The default value is bunzip2. If the program is not
found or is NONE (all-uppercase) then uncompressing will always
be done using the built in uncompression method or not be possi-
ble when not linked against libbz2. The program has to accept
the compressed file as stdin and write the uncompressed file
into stdout.
--unlzma lzma-uncompressor
When trying to uncompress or read lzma compressed files, this
program will be used. The default value is unlzma. If the pro-
gram is not found or is NONE (all-uppercase) then uncompressing
lzma files will not be possible. The program has to accept the
compressed file as stdin and write the uncompressed file into
--unxz xz-uncompressor
When trying to uncompress or read xz compressed files, this pro-
gram will be used. The default value is unxz. If the program
is not found or is NONE (all-uppercase) then uncompressing xz
files will not be possible. The program has to accept the com-
pressed file as stdin and write the uncompressed file into std-
--lunzip lzip-uncompressor
When trying to uncompress or read lzip compressed files, this
program will be used. The default value is lunzip. If the pro-
gram is not found or is NONE (all-uppercase) then uncompressing
lz files will not be possible. The program has to accept the
compressed file as stdin and write the uncompressed file into
stdout. Note that .lz support is DEPRECATED and will be removed
in the future.
--list-max count
Limits the output of list, listmatched and listfilter to the
first count results. The default is 0, which means unlimited.
--list-skip count
Omitts the first count results from the output of list, list-
matched and listfilter.
--list-format format
Set the output format of list, listmatched and listfilter com-
mands. The format is similar to dpkg-query's --showformat:
fields are specified as ${fieldname} or ${fieldname;length}.
Zero length or no length means unlimited. Positive numbers mean
fill with spaces right, negative fill with spaces left.
\n, \r, \t, \0 are new-line, carriage-return, tabulator and
zero-byte. Backslash (\) can be used to escape every non-let-
The special field names $identifier, $architecture, $component,
$type, $codename denote where the package was found.
The special field names $source and $sourceversion denote the
source and source version a package belongs to. (i.e.
${$source} will either be the same as ${source} (without a pos-
sible version in parentheses at the end) or the same as ${pack-
The special field names $basename, $filekey and $fullfilename
denote the first package file part of this entry (i.e. usually
the .deb, .udeb or .dsc file) as basename, as filekey (filename
relative to the outdir) and the full filename with outdir
prepended (i.e. as relative or absolute as your outdir (or
basedir if you did not set outdir) is).
When --list-format is not given or NONE, then the default is
equivalent to
${$identifier} ${package} ${version}\n.
Escaping digits or letters not in above list, using dollars not
escaped outside specified constructs, or any field names not
listed as special and not consisting entirely out of letters,
digits and minus signs have undefined behaviour and might change
meaning without any further notice.
If you give this option on the command line, don't forget that $
is also interpreted by your shell. So you have to properly es-
cape it. For example by putting the whole argument to
--list-format in single quotes.
When downloading packages, show each completed percent of com-
pleted package downloads together with the size of completely
downloaded packages. (Repeating this option increases the fre-
quency of this output).
The pull and update commands will skip every distribution in
which one target loses more than 20% of its packages (and at
least 10).
Using this option (or putting it in the options config file) can
avoid removing large quantities of data but means you might of-
ten give --noonlysmalldeletes to override it.
--restrict src[=version|:type]
Restrict a pull or update to only act on packages belonging to
source-package src. Any other package will not be updated (un-
less it matches a --restrict-bin). Only packages that would
otherwise be updated or are at least marked with hold in a Fil-
terList or FilerSrcList will be updated.
The action can be restricted to a source version using a equal
sign or changed to another type (see FilterList) using a colon.
This option can be given multiple times to list multiple pack-
ages, but each package may only be named once (even when there
are different versions or types).
--restrict-binary name[=version|:type]
Like --restrict but restrict to binary packages (.deb and
.udeb). Source packages are not upgraded unless they appear in
a --restrict.
--restrict-file filename
Like --restrict but read a whole file in the FilterSrcList for-
--restrict-file-bin filename
Like --restrict-bin but read a whole file in the FilterList for-
--endhook hookscript
Run the specified hookscript once reprepro exits. It will get
the usual REPREPRO_* environment variables set (or unset) and
additionally a variable REPREPRO_EXIT_CODE that is the exit code
with which reprepro would have exited (the hook is always called
once the initial parsing of global options and the command name
is done, no matter if reprepro did anything or not). Reprepro
will return to the calling process with the exitcode of this
script. Reprepro has closed all its databases and removed all
its locks, so you can run reprepro again in this script (unless
someone else did so in the same repository before, of course).
The only advantage over running that command always directly af-
ter reprepro is that you can some environment variables set and
cannot so easily forget it if this option is in conf/options.
The script is supposed to be located relative to confdir, unless
its name starts with /, ./, +b/, +o/, or +c/ and the name may
not start (except in the cases given before) with a +.
An example script looks like:
if [ "$REPREPRO_EXIT_CODE" -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "congratulations, reprepro with arguments: $*"
echo "seems to have run successfully. REPREPRO_ part of the en-
vironment is:"
set | grep ^REPREPRO_
exit 0
--outhook hookscript
hookscript is called with a .outlog file as argument (located in
logdir) containing a description of all changes made to outdir.
The script is supposed to be located relative to confdir, unless
its name starts with /, ./, +b/, +o/, or +c/ and the name may
not start (except in the cases given before) with a +.
For a format of the .outlog files generated for this script see
the manual.html shiped with reprepro.
export [ codenames ]
Generate all index files for the specified distributions.
This regenerates all files unconditionally. It is only useful
if you want to be sure dists is up to date, you called some
other actions with --export=never before or you want to create
an initial empty but fully equipped dists/codename directory.
[ --delete ] createsymlinks [ codenames ]
Creates suite symbolic links in the dists/-directory pointing to
the corresponding codename.
It will not create links, when multiple of the given codenames
would be linked from the same suite name, or if the link already
exists (though when --delete is given it will delete already ex-
isting symlinks)
list codename [ packagename ]
List all packages (source and binary, except when -T or -A is
given) with the given name in all components (except when -C is
given) and architectures (except when -A is given) of the speci-
fied distribution. If no package name is given, list every-
thing. The format of the output can be changed with --list-for-
mat. To only get parts of the result, use --list-max and
listmatched codename glob
as list, but does not list a single package, but all packages
matching the given shell-like glob. (i.e. *, ? and [chars] are
reprepro -b . listmatched test2 'linux-*' lists all packages
starting with linux-.
listfilter codename condition
as list, but does not list a single package, but all packages
matching the given condition.
The format of the formulas is those of the dependency lines in
Debian packages' control files with some extras. That means a
formula consists of names of fields with a possible condition
for its content in parentheses. These atoms can be combined
with an exclamation mark '!' (meaning not), a pipe symbol '|'
(meaning or) and a comma ',' (meaning and). Additionally paren-
theses can be used to change binding (otherwise '!' binds more
than '|' than ',').
The values given in the search expression are directly alphabet-
ically compared to the headers in the respective index file.
That means that each part Fieldname (cmp value) of the formula
will be true for exactly those package that have in the Package
or Sources file a line starting with fieldname and a value is
alphabetically cmp to value.
Additionally since reprepro 3.11.0, '%' can be used as compari-
son operator, denoting matching a name with shell like wildcard
(with '*', '?' and '[..]').
The special field names starting with '$' have special meaning
(available since 3.11.1):
The version of the package, comparison is not alphabetically,
but as Debian version strings.
The source name of the package.
The source version of the package.
The architecture the package is in (listfilter) or to be put
The component the package is in (listfilter) or to be put into.
The packagetype of the package.
reprepro -b . listfilter test2 'Section (== admin)' will list
all packages in distribution test2 with a Section field and the
value of that field being admin.
reprepro -b . -T deb listfilter test2 'Source (== blub) | (
!Source , Package (== blub) )' will find all .deb Packages with
either a Source field blub or no Source field and a Package
field blub. (That means all package generated by a source pack-
age blub, except those also specifying a version number with its
reprepro -b . -T deb listfilter test2 '$Source (==blub) is the
better way to do this (but only available since 3.11.1).
reprepro -b . listfilter test2 '$PackageType (==deb), $Source
(==blub) is another (less efficient) way.
reprepro -b . listfilter test2 'Package (% linux-*-2.6*)' lists
all packages with names starting with linux- and later having an
ls package-name
List the versions of the specified package in all distributions.
lsbycomponent package-name
Like ls, but group by component (and print component names).
remove codename package-names
Delete all packages in the specified distribution, that have
package name listed as argument. (i.e. remove all packages list
with the same arguments and options would list, except that an
empty package list is not allowed.)
Note that like any other operation removing or replacing a pack-
age, the old package's files are unreferenced and thus may be
automatically deleted if this was their last reference and no
--keepunreferencedfiles specified.
removematched codename glob
Delete all packages listmatched with the same arguments would
removefilter codename condition
Delete all packages listfilter with the same arguments would
removesrc codename source-name [version]
Remove all packages in distribution codename belonging to source
package source-name. (Limited to those with source version ver-
sion if specified).
If package tracking is activated, it will use that information
to find the packages, otherwise it traverses all package indices
for the distribution.
removesrcs codename source-name[=version] ...
Like removesrc, but can be given multiple source names and
source versions must be specified by appending '=' and the ver-
sion to the name (without spaces).
update [ codenames ]
Sync the specified distributions (all if none given) as speci-
fied in the config with their upstreams. See the description of
conf/updates below.
checkupdate [ codenames ]
Same like update, but will show what it will change instead of
actually changing it.
dumpupdate [ codenames ]
Same like checkupdate, but less suiteable for humans and more
suitable for computers.
predelete [ codenames ]
This will determine which packages a update would delete or re-
place and remove those packages. This can be useful for reduc-
ing space needed while upgrading, but there will be some time
where packages are vanished from the lists so clients will mark
them as obsolete. Plus if you cannot download a updated package
in the (hopefully) following update run, you will end up with no
package at all instead of an old one. This will also blow up
.diff files if you are using the pdiff example or something sim-
ilar. So be careful when using this option or better get some
more space so that update works.
Delete all files in listdir (default basedir/lists) that do not
belong to any update rule for any distribution. I.e. all files
are deleted in that directory that no update command in the cur-
rent configuration can use. (The files are usually left there,
so if they are needed again they do not need to be downloaded
again. Though in many easy cases not even those files will be
pull [ codenames ]
pull in newer packages into the specified distributions (all if
none given) from other distributions in the same repository.
See the description of conf/pulls below.
checkpull [ codenames ]
Same like pull, but will show what it will change instead of ac-
tually changing it.
dumppull [ codenames ]
Same like checkpull, but less suiteable for humans and more
suitable for computers.
includedeb codename .deb-filename
Include the given binary Debian package (.deb) in the specified
distribution, applying override information and guessing all
values not given and guessable.
includeudeb codename .udeb-filename
Same like includedeb, but for .udeb files.
includedsc codename .dsc-filename
Include the given Debian source package (.dsc, including other
files like .orig.tar.gz, .tar.gz and/or .diff.gz) in the speci-
fied distribution, applying override information and guessing
all values not given and guessable.
Note that .dsc files do not contain section or priority, but the
Sources.gz file needs them. reprepro tries to parse .diff and
.tar files for it, but is only able to resolve easy cases. If
reprepro fails to extract those automatically, you have to ei-
ther specify a DscOverride or give them via -S and -P
include codename .changes-filename
Include in the specified distribution all packages found and
suitable in the .changes file, applying override information
guessing all values not given and guessable.
processincoming rulesetname [.changes-file]
Scan an incoming directory and process the .changes files found
there. If a filename is supplied, processing is limited to that
file. rulesetname identifies which rule-set in conf/incoming
determines which incoming directory to use and in what distribu-
tions to allow packages into. See the section about this file
for more information.
check [ codenames ]
Check if all packages in the specified distributions have all
files needed properly registered.
checkpool [ fast ]
Check if all files believed to be in the pool are actually still
there and have the known md5sum. When fast is specified md5sum
is not checked.
Calculate all supported checksums for all files in the pool.
(Versions prior to 3.3 did only store md5sums, 3.3 added sha1,
3.5 added sha256).
Remove the legacy files.db file after making sure all informa-
tion is also found in the new checksums.db file. (Alternatively
you can call collecnewchecksums and remove the file on your
Forget which files are needed and recollect this information.
Print out which files are marked to be needed by whom.
Print a list of all filed believed to be in the pool, that are
not known to be needed.
Remove all known files (and forget them) in the pool not marked
to be needed by anything.
deleteifunreferenced [ filekeys ]
Remove the given files (and forget them) in the pool if they are
not marked to be used by anything. If no command line arguments
are given, stdin is read and every line treated as one filekey.
This is mostly useful together with --keepunreferenced in
conf/options or in situations where one does not want to run
deleteunreferenced, which removes all files eligible to be
deleted with this command.
reoverride [ codenames ]
Reapply the override files to the given distributions (Or only
parts thereof given by -A,-C or -T).
Note: only the control information is changed. Changing a sec-
tion to a value, that would cause another component to be
guessed, will not cause any warning.
redochecksums [ codenames ]
Readd the information about file checksums to the package in-
Usually the package's control information is created at inclu-
sion time or imported from some remote source and not changed
later. This command modifies it to readd missing checksum
Only checksums already known are used. To update known checkums
about files run collectnewchecksums first.
dumptracks [ codenames ]
Print out all information about tracked source packages in the
given distributions.
retrack [ codenames ]
Recreate a tracking database for the specified distributions.
This contains ouf of three steps. First all files marked as
part of a source package are set to unused. Then all files ac-
tually used are marked as thus. Finally tidytracks is called
remove everything no longer needed with the new information
about used files.
(This behaviour, though a bit longsome, keeps even files only
kept because of tracking mode keep and files not otherwise used
but kept due to includechanges or its relatives. Before version
3.0.0 such files were lost by running retrack).
removealltracks [ codenames ]
Removes all source package tracking information for the given
removetrack codename sourcename version
Remove the trackingdata of the given version of a given sour-
cepackage from a given distribution. This also removes the ref-
erences for all used files.
tidytracks [ codenames ]
Check all source package tracking information for the given dis-
tributions for files no longer to keep.
copy destination-codename source-codename packages...
Copy the given packages from one distribution to another. The
packages are copied verbatim, no override files are consulted.
Only components and architectures present in the source distri-
bution are copied.
copysrc destination-codename source-codename source-package [versions]
look at each package (where package means, as usual, every pack-
age be it dsc, deb or udeb) in the distribution specified by
source-codename and identifies the relevant source package for
each. All packages matching the specified source-package name
(and any version if specified) are copied to the destination-co-
dename distribution. The packages are copied verbatim, no over-
ride files are consulted. Only components and architectures
present in the source distribution are copied.
copymatched destination-codename source-codename glob
Copy packages matching the given glob (see listmatched).
The packages are copied verbatim, no override files are con-
sulted. Only components and architectures present in the source
distribution are copied.
copyfilter destination-codename source-codename formula
Copy packages matching the given formula (see listfilter). (all
versions if no version is specified). The packages are copied
verbatim, no override files are consulted. Only components and
architectures present in the source distribution are copied.
restore codename snapshot packages...
restoresrc codename snapshot source-epackage [versions]
restorefilter destination-codename snapshot formula
restorematched destination-codename snapshot glob
Like the copy commands, but do not copy from another distribu-
tion, but from a snapshot generated with gensnapshot. Note that
this blindly trusts the contents of the files in your dists/ di-
rectory and does no checking.
Remove all package databases that no longer appear in conf/dis-
tributions. If --delete is specified, it will not stop if there
are still packages left. Even without --delete it will unrefer-
ence files still marked as needed by this target. (Use --keep-
unreferenced to not delete them if that was the last reference.)
Do not forget to remove all exported package indices manually.
gensnapshot codename directoryname
Generate a snapshot of the distribution specified by codename in
the directory dists/codename/snapshots/directoryname/ and refer-
ence all needed files in the pool as needed by that. No Content
files are generated and no export hooks are run.
Note that there is currently no automated way to remove that
snapshot again (not even clearvanished will unlock the refer-
enced files after the distribution itself vanished). You will
have to remove the directory yourself and tell reprepro to un-
referencesnapshot codename directoryname before deleteunrefer-
enced will delete the files from the pool locked by this.
To access such a snapshot with apt, add something like the fol-
lowing to your sources.list file:
deb method://as/without/snapshot codename/snapshots/name main
unreferencesnapshot codename directoryname
Remove all references generated by an genshapshot with the same
arguments. This allows the next deleteunferenced call to delete
those files. (The indicies in dists/ for the snapshot are not
rerunnotifiers [ codenames ]
Run all external scripts specified in the Log: options of the
specified distributions.
build-needing codename architecture [ glob ]
List source packages (matching glob) that likely need a build on
the given architecture.
List all source package in the given distribution without a bi-
nary package of the given architecture built from that version
of the source, without a .changes or .log file for the given ar-
chitecture, with an Architecture field including any, os-any
(with os being the part before the hyphen in the architecture or
linux if there is no hyphen) or the architecture and at least
one package in the Binary field not yet available.
If instead of architecture the term any is used, all architec-
tures are iterated and the architecture is printed as fourth
field in every line.
If the architecture is all, then only source packages with an
Architecture field including all are considered (i.e. as above
with real architectures but any does not suffice). Note that
dpkg-dev << 1.16.1 does not both set any and all so source pack-
ages building both architecture dependent and independent pack-
ages will never show up unless built with a new enough
Translate the file list cache within db/contents.cache.db into
the new format used since reprepro 3.0.0.
Make sure you have at least half of the space of the current
db/contents.cache.db file size available in that partition.
flood distribution [architecture]
For each architecture of distribution (or for the one specified)
add architecture all packages from other architectures (but the
same component or packagetype) under the following conditions:
Packages are only upgraded, never downgraded.
If there is a package not being architecture all, then archi-
tecture all packages of the same source from the same source
version are preferred over those that have no such binary sib-
Otherwise the package with the highest version wins.
You can restrict with architectures are looked for architecture
all packages using -A and which components/packagetypes are
flooded by -C/-T as usual.
There are mostly two use cases for this command: If you added an
new architecture to an distribution and want to copy all archi-
tecture all packages to it. Or if you included some architec-
ture all packages only to some architectures using -A to avoid
breaking the other architectures for which the binary packages
were still missing and now want to copy it to those architec-
tures were they are unlikely to break something (because a new-
binary is already available).
unusedsources [distributions]
List all source packages for which no binary package build from
them is found.
sourcemissing [distributions]
List all binary packages for which no source package is found
(the source package must be in the same distribution, but source
packages only kept by package tracking is enough).
reportcruft [distributions]
List all source package versions that either have a source pack-
age and no longer a binary package or binary packages left with-
out source package in the index. (Unless sourcemissing also list
packages where the source package in only in the pool due to en-
abled tracking but no longer in the index).
sizes [ codenames ]
List the size of all packages in the distributions specified or
in all distributions.
Each row contains 4 numbers, each being a number of bytes in a
set of packages, which are: The packages in this distribution
(including anything only kept because of tracking), the packages
only in this distribution (anything in this distribution and a
snapshot of this distribution counts as only in this distribu-
tion), the packages in this distribution and its snapshots, the
packages only in this distribution or its snapshots.
If more than one distribution is selected, also list a sum of
those (in which 'Only' means only in selected ones, and not only
only in one of the selected ones).
repairdescriptions [ codenames ]
Look for binary packages only having a short description and try
to get the long description from the .deb file (and also remove
a possible Description-md5 in this case).
internal commands
These are hopefully never needed, but allow manual intervention. WARN-
ING: Is is quite easy to get into an inconsistent and/or unfixable
_detect [ filekeys ]
Look for the files, which filekey is given as argument or as a
line of the input (when run without arguments), and calculate
their md5sum and add them to the list of known files. (Warning:
this is a low level operation, no input validation or normaliza-
tion is done.)
_forget [ filekeys ]
Like _detect but remove the given filekey from the list of known
files. (Warning: this is a low level operation, no input vali-
dation or normalization is done.)
Print a list of all known files and their md5sums.
Print a list of all known files and their recorded checksums.
alias for the newer
Add information of known files (without any check done) in the
strict format of _listchecksums output (i.e. don't dare to use a
single space anywhere more than needed).
_dumpcontents identifier
Printout all the stored information of the specified part of the
repository. (Or in other words, the content the corresponding
Packages or Sources file would get)
_addreference filekey identifier
Manually mark filekey to be needed by identifier
_addreferences identifier [ filekeys ]
Manually mark one or more filekeys to be needed by identifier.
If no command line arguments are given, stdin is read and every
line treated as one filekey.
_removereference identifier filekey
Manually remove the given mark that the file is needed by this
_removereferences identifier
Remove all references what is needed by identifier.
__extractcontrol .deb-filename
Look what reprepro believes to be the content of the control
file of the specified .deb-file.
__extractfilelist .deb-filename
Look what reprepro believes to be the list of files of the spec-
ified .deb-file.
_fakeemptyfilelist filekey
Insert an empty filelist for filekey. This is a evil hack around
broken .deb files that cannot be read by reprepro.
_addpackage codenam filename packages...
Add packages from the specified filename to part specified by -C
-A and -T of the specified distribution. Very strange things
can happen if you use it improperly.
List what compressions format can be uncompressed and how.
__uncompress format compressed-file uncompressed-file
Use builtin or external uncompression to uncompress the speci-
fied file of the specified format into the specified target.
Print - on per line - the codenames of all configured distribu-
_listconfidentifiers identifier [ distributions... ]
Print - one per line - all identifiers of subdatabases as de-
rived from the configuration. If a list of distributions is
given, only identifiers of those are printed.
_listdbidentifiers identifier [ distributions... ]
Print - one per line - all identifiers of subdatabases in the
current database. This will be a subset of the ones printed by
_listconfidentifiers or most commands but clearvanished will
refuse to run, and depending on the database compatibility ver-
sion, will include all those if reprepro was run since the con-
fig was last changed.
reprepo uses three config files, which are searched in the directory
specified with --confdir or in the conf/ subdirectory of the basedir.
If a file options exists, it is parsed line by line. Each line can be
the long name of a command line option (without the --) plus an argu-
ment, where possible. Those are handled as if they were command line
options given before (and thus lower priority than) any other command
line option. (and also lower priority than any environment variable).
To allow command line options to override options file options, most
boolean options also have a corresponding form starting with --no.
(The only exception is when the path to look for config files changes,
the options file will only opened once and of course before any options
within the options file are parsed.)
The file distributions is always needed and describes what distribu-
tions to manage, while updates is only needed when syncing with exter-
nal repositories and pulls is only needed when syncing with reposito-
ries in the same reprepro database.
The last three are in the format control files in Debian are in, i.e.
paragraphs separated by empty lines consisting of fields. Each field
consists of a fieldname, followed by a colon, possible whitespace and
the data. A field ends with a newline not followed by a space or tab.
Lines starting with # as first character are ignored, while in other
lines the # character and everything after it till the newline charac-
ter are ignored.
A paragraph can also consist of only a single field "!include:" which
causes the named file (relative to confdir unless starting with ~/,
+b/, +c/ or / ) to be read as if it was found at this place.
Each of the three files or a file included as described above can also
be a directory, in which case all files it contains with a filename
ending in .conf and not starting with . are read.
This required field is the unique identifier of a distribution
and used as directory name within dists/ It is also copied into
the Release files.
Note that this name is not supposed to change. You most likely
never ever want a name like testing or stable here (those are
suite names and supposed to point to another distribution
Suite This optional field is simply copied into the Release files. In
Debian it contains names like stable, testing or unstable. To
create symlinks from the Suite to the Codename, use the cre-
atesymlinks command of reprepro.
If this field is present, its argument is added - separated by a
slash - before every Component written to the main Release file
(unless the component already starts with it), and removed from
the end of the Codename and Suite fields in that file. Also if
a component starts with it, its directory in the dists dir is
shortened by this.
Codename: bla/updates
Suite: foo/updates
FakeComponentPrefix: updates
Components: main bad
will create a Release file with
Codename: bla
Suite: foo
Components: updates/main updates/bad
in it, but otherwise nothing is changed, while
Codename: bla/updates
Suite: foo/updates
FakeComponentPrefix: updates
Components: updates/main updates/bad
will also create a Release file with
Codename: bla
Suite: foo
Components: updates/main updates/bad
but the packages will actually be in the components updates/main
and updates/bad, most likely causing the same file using dupli-
cate storage space.
This makes the distribution look more like Debian's security ar-
chive, thus work around problems with apt's workarounds for
A list of distribution names. When a .changes file is told to
be included into this distribution with the include command and
the distribution header of that file is neither the codename,
nor the suite name, nor any name from the list, a wrongdistribu-
tion error is generated. The process_incoming command will also
use this field, see the description of Allow and Default from
the conf/incoming file for more information.
This optional field is simply copied into the Release files.
Origin This optional field is simply copied into the Release files.
Label This optional field is simply copied into the Release files.
This optional field is simply copied into the Release files.
(The value is handled as an arbitrary string, though anything
but yes does not make much sense right now.)
This optional field is simply copied into the Release files.
(The value is handled as an arbitrary string, though anything
but yes does not make much sense right now.)
This optional field is simply copied into the Release files.
This required field lists the binary architectures within this
distribution and if it contains source (i.e. if there is an item
source in this line this Distribution has source. All other
items specify things to be put after "binary-" to form directory
names and be checked against "Architecture:" fields.)
This will also be copied into the Release files. (With exception
of the source item, which will not occur in the topmost Release
file whether it is present here or not)
This required field lists the component of a distribution. See
GUESSING for rules which component packages are included into by
default. This will also be copied into the Release files.
Components with a debian-installer subhierarchy containing
.udebs. (E.g. simply "main")
Update When this field is present, it describes which update rules are
used for this distribution. There also can be a magic rule minus
("-"), see below.
Pull When this field is present, it describes which pull rules are
used for this distribution. Pull rules are like Update rules,
but get their stuff from other distributions and not from exter-
nal sources. See the description for conf/pulls.
When this field is present, a Release.gpg file will be gener-
ated. If the value is "yes" or "default", the default key of
gpg is used. If the field starts with an exlamation mark ("!"),
the given script is executed to do the signing. Otherwise the
value will be given to libgpgme to determine to key to use.
If there are problems with signing, you can try
gpg --list-secret-keys value
to see how gpg could interprete the value. If that command does
not list any keys or multiple ones, try to find some other value
(like the keyid), that gpg can more easily associate with a
unique key.
If this key has a passphrase, you need to use gpg-agent or the
insecure option --ask-passphrase.
A '!' hook script is looked for in the confdir, unless it starts
with ~/, ./, +b/, +o/, +c/ or / . Is gets three command line
arguments: The filename to sign, an empty argument or the file-
name to create with an inline signature (i.e. InRelease) and an
empty argument or the filename to create an detached signature
(i.e. Release.gpg). The script may generate no Release.gpg file
if it choses to (then the repository will look like unsigned for
older clients), but generating empty files is not allowed.
Reprepro waits for the script to finish and will abort the ex-
porting of the distribution this signing is part of unless the
scripts returns normally with exit code 0. Using a space after
! is recommended to avoid incompatibilities with possible future
When this field is present, it describes the override file used
when including .deb files.
When this field is present, it describes the override file used
when including .udeb files.
When this field is present, it describes the override file used
when including .dsc files.
DebIndices, UDebIndices, DscIndices
Choose what kind of Index files to export. The first part de-
scribes what the Index file shall be called. The second argu-
ment determines the name of a Release file to generate or not to
generate if missing. Then at least one of ".", ".gz", ".xz" or
".bz2" specifying whether to generate uncompressed output,
gzipped output, bzip2ed output or any combination. (bzip2 is
only available when compiled with bzip2 support, so it might not
be available when you compiled it on your own, same for xz and
liblzma). If an argument not starting with dot follows, it will
be executed after all index files are generated. (See the exam-
ples for what argument this gets). The default is:
DebIndices: Packages Release . .gz
UDebIndices: Packages . .gz
DscIndices: Sources Release .gz
Options to modify how and if exporting is done:
noexport Never export this distribution. That means there will
be no directory below dists/ generated and the distribution is
only useful to copy packages to other distributions.
keepunknown Ignore unknown files and directories in the exported
directory. This is currently the only available option and the
default, but might change in the future, so it can already be
requested explicitly.
Enable the creation of Contents files listing all the files
within the binary packages of a distribution. (Which is quite
slow, you have been warned).
In earlier versions, the first argument was a rate at which to
extract file lists. As this did not work and was no longer eas-
ily possible after some factorisation, this is no longer sup-
The arguments of this field is a space separated list of op-
tions. If there is a udebs keyword, .udebs are also listed (in
a file called uContents-architecture.) If there is a nodebs
keyword, .debs are not listed. (Only useful together with
udebs) If there is at least one of the keywords ., .gz, .xz
and/or .bz2, the Contents files are written uncompressed,
gzipped and/or bzip2ed instead of only gzipped.
If there is a percomponent then one Contents-arch file per com-
ponent is created. If there is a allcomponents then one global
Contents-arch file is generated. If both are given, both are
created. If none of both is specified then percomponent is
taken as default (earlier versions had other defaults).
The switches compatsymlink or nocompatsymlink (only possible if
allcomponents was not specified explicitly) control whether a
compatibility symlink is created so old versions of apt-file
looking for the component independent filenames at least see the
contents of the first component.
Unless allcomponents is given, compatsymlinks currently is the
default, but that will change in some future (current estimate:
after wheezy was released)
Limit generation of Contents files to the architectures given.
If this field is not there, all architectures are processed. An
empty field means no architectures are processed, thus not very
Limit what components are processed for the Contents-arch files
to the components given. If this field is not there, all compo-
nents are processed. An empty field is equivalent to specify
nodebs in the Contents field, while a non-empty field overrides
a nodebs there.
Limit what components are processed for the uContents files to
the components given. If this field is not there and there is
the udebs keyword in the Contents field, all .udebs of all com-
ponents are put in the uContents.arch files. If this field is
not there and there is no udebs keyword in the Contents field,
no uContents-arch files are generated at all. A non-empty
fields implies generation of uContents-arch files (just like the
udebs keyword in the Contents field), while an empty one causes
no uContents-arch files to be generated.
Specifies a file (relative to confdir if not starting with ~/,
+b/, +c/ or / ) to specify who is allowed to upload packages.
Without this there are no limits, and this file can be ignored
via --ignore=uploaders. See the section UPLOADERS FILES below.
Enable the (experimental) tracking of source packages. The ar-
gument list needs to contain exactly one of the following:
keep Keeps all files of a given source package, until that is
deleted explicitly via removetrack. This is currently the only
possibility to keep older packages around when all indices con-
tain newer files.
all Keep all files belonging to a given source package until the
last file of it is no longer used within that distribution.
minimal Remove files no longer included in the tracked distribu-
tion. (Remove changes, logs and includebyhand files once no
file is in any part of the distribution).
And any number of the following (or none):
includechanges Add the .changes file to the tracked files of a
source package. Thus it is also put into the pool.
includebyhand Add byhand and raw-* files to the tracked files
and thus in the pool.
includebuildinfos Add buildinfo files to the tracked files and
thus in the pool.
includelogs Add log files to the tracked files and thus in the
pool. (Not that putting log files in changes files is a repre-
pro extension not found in normal changes files)
embargoalls Not yet implemented.
keepsources Even when using minimal mode, do not remove source
files until no file is needed any more.
needsources Not yet implemented.
Log Specify a file to log additions and removals of this distribu-
tion into and/or external scripts to call when something is
added or removed. The rest of the Log: line is the filename,
every following line (as usual, have to begin with a single
space) the name of a script to call. The name of the script may
be preceded with options of the form --type=(dsc|deb|udeb),
--architecture=name or --component=name to only call the script
for some parts of the distribution. An script with argument
--changes is called when a .changes file was accepted by include
or processincoming (and with other arguments). Both type of
scripts can have a --via=command specified, in which case it is
only called when caused by reprepro command command.
For information how it is called and some examples take a look
at manual.html in reprepro's source or /usr/share/doc/reprepro/
If the filename for the log files does not start with a slash,
it is relative to the directory specified with --logdir, the
scripts are relative to --confdir unless starting with ~/, +b/,
+c/ or /.
If this field exists, an Valid-Until field is put into generated
Release files for this distribution with an date as much in the
future as the argument specifies.
The argument has to be an number followed by one of the units d,
m or y, where d means days, m means 31 days and y means 365
days. So ValidFor: 1m 11 d causes the generation of a Valid-Un-
til: header in Release files that points 42 days into the fu-
Disallow all modifications of this distribution or its directory
in dists/codename (with the exception of snapshot subdirecto-
This species hooks to call for handling byhand/raw files by pro-
cessincoming (and in future versions perhaps by include).
Each line consists out of 4 arguments: A glob pattern for the
section (clasically byhand, though Ubuntu uses raw-*), a glob
pattern for the priority (not usually used), and a glob pattern
for the filename.
The 4th argument is the script to be called when all of the
above match. It gets 5 arguments: the codename of the distribu-
tion, the section (usually byhand), the priority (usually only
-), the filename in the changes file and the full filename (with
processincoming in the secure TempDir).
This optional field is simply copied into the Release files. It
is used to tell apt which keys to trust for this Release in the
future. (see SignWith for how to tell reprepro whether and how
to sign).
Name The name of this update-upstream as it can be used in the Update
field in conf/distributions.
Method An URI as one could also give it apt, e.g. which is simply given to the corresponding
apt-get method. (So either apt-get has to be installed, or you
have to point with --methoddir to a place where such methods are
(Still experimental:) A fallback URI, where all files are tried
that failed the first one. They are given to the same method as
the previous URI (e.g. both http://), and the fallback-server
must have everything at the same place. No recalculation is
done, but single files are just retried from this location.
Config This can contain any number of lines, each in the format apt-get
--option would expect. (Multiple lines - as always - marked with
leading spaces).
For example: Config: Acquire::Http::Proxy=
From The name of another update rule this rules derives from. The
rule containing the From may not contain Method, Fallback or
Config. All other fields are used from the rule referenced in
From, unless found in this containing the From. The rule refer-
enced in From may itself contain a From. Reprepro will only as-
sume two remote index files are the same, if both get their
Method information from the same rule.
Suite The suite to update from. If this is not present, the codename
of the distribution using this one is used. Also "*/whatever" is
replaced by "<codename>/whatever"
The components to update. Each item can be either the name of a
component or a pair of a upstream component and a local compo-
nent separated with ">". (e.g. "main>all contrib>all
If this field is not there, all components from the distribution
to update are tried.
An empty field means no source or .deb packages are updated by
this rule, but only .udeb packages, if there are any.
A rule might list components not available in all distributions
using this rule. In this case unknown components are silently
ignored. (Unless you start reprepro with the --fast option, it
will warn about components unusable in all distributions using
that rule. As exceptions, unusable components called none are
never warned about, for compatibility with versions prior to
3.0.0 where and empty field had a different meaning.)
The architectures to update. If omitted all from the distribu-
tion to update from. (As with components, you can use ">" to
download from one architecture and add into another one. (This
only determine in which Package list they land, it neither over-
writes the Architecture line in its description, nor the one in
the filename determined from this one. In other words, it is no
really useful without additional filtering))
Like Components but for the udebs.
Download the Release.gpg file and check if it is a signature of
the Releasefile with the key given here. (In the Format as "gpg
--with-colons --list-key" prints it, i.e. the last 16 hex digits
of the fingerprint) Multiple keys can be specified by separating
them with a "|" sign. Then finding a signature from one of the
will suffice. To allow revoked or expired keys, add a "!" be-
hind a key. (but to accept such signatures, the appropriate
--ignore is also needed). To also allow subkeys of a specified
key, add a "+" behind a key.
IgnoreRelease: yes
If this is present, no InRelease or Release file will be down-
loaded and thus the md5sums of the other index files will not be
GetInRelease: no
IF this is present, no InRelease file is downloaded but only Re-
lease (and Release.gpg ) are tried.
Flat If this field is in an update rule, it is supposed to be a flat
repository, i.e. a repository without a dists dir and no subdi-
rectories for the index files. (If the corresponding
sources.list line has the suite end with a slash, then you might
need this one.) The argument for the Flat: field is the Compo-
nent to put those packages into. No Components or UDebCompo-
nents fields are allowed in a flat update rule. If the Archi-
tecture field has any > items, the part left of the ">" is ig-
For example the sources.list line
deb etch-cran/
would translate to
Name: R
Suite: etch-cran
Flat: whatevercomponentyoudlikethepackagesin
This directive tells reprepro to not check the listed hashes in
the downloaded Release file (and only in the Release file).
Possible values are currently md5, sha1 and sha256.
Note that this does not speed anything up in any measurable way.
The only reason to specify this if the Release file of the dis-
tribution you want to mirror from uses a faulty algorithm imple-
mentation. Otherwise you will gain nothing and only lose secu-
This can be a formula to specify which packages to accept from
this source. The format is misusing the parser intended for De-
pendency lines. To get only architecture all packages use "ar-
chitecture (== all)", to get only at least important packages
use "priority (==required) | priority (==important)".
See the description of the listfilter command for the semantics
of formulas.
FilterList, FilterSrcList
These two options each take at least two arguments: The first
argument is the fallback (default) action. All following argu-
ments are treated as file names of lists.
The filenames are considered to be relative to --confdir, if not
starting with ~/, +b/, +c/ or /.
Each list file consists of lines with a package name followed by
whitespaced followed by an action.
Each list may only contain a single line for a given package
name. The action to be taken is the action specified by the
first file mentioning that package. If no list file mentions a
package, the fallback action is used instead.
This format is inspired by dpkg --get-selections before multi-
arch and the names of the actions likely only make sense if you
imagine the file to be the output of this command of an existing
For each package available in the distribution to be updated
from/pulled from this action is determined and affects the cur-
rent decision what to do to the target distribution. (Only af-
ter all update/pull rules for a given target distribution have
been processed something is actually done).
The possible action keywords are:
mark the available package to be added to the target dis-
tribution unless the same version or a higher version is
already marked as to be added/kept. (Note that without a
prior delete rule (-) or supersede action, this will will
never downgrade a package as the already existing version
is marked to be kept).
like install but will not add new packages to a distribu-
unless the current package version is higher than the
available package version, mark the package to be deleted
in the target distribution. (Useful to remove packages
in add-on distributions once they reached the base dis-
deinstall or purge
ignore the newly available package.
print a warning message to stderr if a new package/newer
version is available. Otherwise ignore the new package
(like with deinstall or purge).
hold the new package is ignored, but every previous decision
to downgrade or delete the package in the target distri-
bution is reset.
error abort the whole upgrade/pull if a new package/newer ver-
sion is available
= version
If the candidate package has the given version, behave
like install. Otherwise continue as if this list file
did not mention this package (i.e. look in the remaining
list files or use the fallback action). Only one such
entry per package is currently supported and the version
is currently compared as string.
If there is both FilterList and FilterSrcList then the first is
used for .deb and .udeb and the second for .dsc packages.
If there is only FilterList that is applied to everything.
If there is only FilterSrcList that is applied to everything,
too, but the source package name (and source version) is used to
do the lookup.
This field controls whether source packages with Extra-Source-
Only set are ignore when getting source packages. Withouth this
option or if it is true, those source packages are ignored,
while if set to no or false, those source packages are also con-
didates if no other filter excludes them. (The default of true
will likely change once reprepro supports multiple versions of a
package or has other means to keep the source packages around).
If this is given, it is executed for all downloaded index files
with the downloaded list as first and a filename that will be
used instead of this. (e.g. "ListHook: /bin/cp" works but does
If a file will be read multiple times, it is processed multiple
times, with the environment variables REPREPRO_FILTER_CODENAME,
REPREPRO_FILTER_ARCHITECTURE set to the where this file will be
added and REPREPRO_FILTER_PATTERN to the name of the update rule
causing it.
This is like ListHook, but the whole argument is given to the
shell as argument, and the input and output file are stdin and
ListShellHook: cat
works but does nothing but useless use of a shell and cat, while
ListShellHook: grep-dctrl -X -S apt -o -X -S dpkg || [ $? -eq 1
will limit the update rule to packages from the specified source
The arguments of this field specify which index files reprepro
will download.
Allowed values are ., .gz, .bz2, .lzma, .xz, .diff, force.gz,
force.bz2, force.lzma, force.xz, and force.diff.
Reprepro will try the first supported variant in the list given:
Only compressions compiled in or for which an uncompressor was
found are used. Unless the value starts with force., it is only
tried if is found in the Release or InRelease file.
The default value is .diff .xz .lzma .bz2 .gz ., i.e. download
Packages.diff if listed in the Release file, otherwise or if not
usable download .xz if listed in the Release file and there is a
way to uncompress it, then .lzma if usable, then .bz2 if usable,
then .gz and then uncompressed).
Note there is no way to see if an uncompressed variant of the
file is available (as the Release file always lists their check-
sums, even if not there), so putting '.' anywhere but as the
last argument can mean trying to download a file that does not
Together with IgnoreRelease reprepro will download the first in
this list that could be unpacked (i.e. force is always assumed)
and the default value is .gz .bzip2 . .lzma .xz.
This file contains the rules for pulling packages from one distribution
to another. While this can also be done with update rules using the
file or copy method and using the exported indices of that other dis-
tribution, this way is faster. It also ensures the current files are
used and no copies are made. (This also leads to the limitation that
pulling from one component to another is not possible.)
Each rule consists out of the following fields:
Name The name of this pull rule as it can be used in the Pull field
in conf/distributions.
From The codename of the distribution to pull packages from.
The components of the distribution to get from.
If this field is not there, all components from the distribution
to update are tried.
A rule might list components not available in all distributions
using this rule. In this case unknown components are silently
ignored. (Unless you start reprepro with the --fast option, it
will warn about components unusable in all distributions using
that rule. As exception, unusable components called none are
never warned about, for compatibility with versions prior to
3.0.0 where and empty field had a different meaning.)
The architectures to update. If omitted all from the distribu-
tion to pull from. As in conf/updates, you can use ">" to down-
load from one architecture and add into another one. (And again,
only useful with filtering to avoid packages not architecture
all to migrate).
Like Components but for the udebs.
The same as with update rules.
The format of override files used by reprepro should resemble the ex-
tended ftp-archive format, to be specific it is:
packagename field name new value
For example:
kernel-image-2.4.31-yourorga Section protected/base
kernel-image-2.4.31-yourorga Priority standard
kernel-image-2.4.31-yourorga Maintainer That's me <me@localhost>
reprepro Priority required
All fields of a given package will be replaced by the new value speci-
fied in the override file with the exception of special fields starting
with a dollar sign ($). While the field name is compared case-insensi-
tive, it is copied in exactly the form in the override file there.
(Thus I suggest to keep to the exact case it is normally found in index
files in case some other tool confuses them.) More than copied is the
Section header (unless -S is supplied), which is also used to guess the
component (unless -C is there).
Some values like Package, Filename, Size or MD5sum are forbidden, as
their usage would severly confuse reprepro.
As an extension reprepro also supports patterns instead of package-
names. If the package name contains '*', '[' or '?', it is considered
a pattern and applied to each package that is not matched by any non-
pattern override nor by any previous pattern.
Fieldnames starting with a dollar ($) are not be placed in the exported
control data but have special meaning. Unknown ones are loudly ig-
nored. Special fields are:
$Component: includedeb, includedsc, include and processincoming will
put the package in the component given as value (unless itself overrid-
den with -C). Note that the proper way to specify the component is by
setting the section field and using this extension will most likely
confuse people and/or tools.
$Delete: the value is treated a fieldname and fields of that name are
removed. (This way one can remove fields previously added without re-
moving and readding the package. And fields already included in the
package can be removed, too).
Every chunk is a rule set for the process_incoming command. Possible
fields are:
Name The name of the rule-set, used as argument to the scan command
to specify to use this rule.
The Name of the directory to scan for .changes files.
A directory where the files listed in the processed .changes
files are copied into before they are read. You can avoid some
copy operations by placing this directory within the same moint
point the pool hierarchy is (at least partially) in.
LogDir A directory where .changes files, .log files, .buildinfo files
and otherwise unused .byhand files are stored upon procession.
Allow Each argument is either a pair name1>name2 or simply name which
is short for name>name. Each name2 must identify a distribu-
tion, either by being Codename, a unique Suite, or a unique Al-
soAcceptFor from conf/distributions. Each upload has each item
in its Distribution: header compared first to last with each
name1 in the rules and is put in the first one accepting this
package. e.g.:
Allow: local unstable>sid
Allow: stable>security-updates stable>proposed-updates
(Note that this makes only sense if Multiple is set to true or
if there are people only allowed to upload to proposed-updates
but not to security-updates).
Default distribution
Every upload not put into any other distribution because of an
Allow argument is put into distribution if that accepts it.
Old form of Options: multiple_distributions.
A list of options
Allow including a upload in multiple distributions.
If a .changes file lists multiple distributions, then reprepro
will start with the first name given, check all Accept and De-
fault options till it finds a distribution this upload can go
If this found no distribution or if this option was given,
reprepro will then do the same with the second distribution name
given in the .changes file and so on.
If an upload contains binaries from some architecture and archi-
tecture all packages, the architecture all packages are only put
into the architectures within this upload. Useful to combine
with the flood command.
Permit A list of options to allow things otherwise causing errors:
Do not stop with error if there are files listed in the .changes
file if it lists files not belonging to any package in it.
Ignore a package not added because there already is a strictly
newer version available instead of treating this as an error.
Do not abort with an error if a .changes file contains .deb
files that are not listed in the Binaries header.
Cleanup options
A list of options to cause more files in the incoming directory
to be deleted:
If there is unused_files in Permit then also delete those files
when the package is deleted after successful processing.
If .buildinfo files of processed .changes files are not used
(neither stored by LogDir nor with Tracking: includebuildinfos)
then delete them from the incoming dir. (This option has no ad-
ditional effect if unused_files is already used.)
If a .changes file is denied processing because of missing sig-
natures or allowed distributions to be put in, delete it and all
the files it references.
If a .changes file causes errors while processing, delete it and
the files it references.
Note that allowing cleanup in publically accessible incoming
queues allows a denial of service by sending in .changes files
deleting other peoples files before they are completed. Espe-
cially when .changes files are handled directly (e.g. by inoti-
If files are to be deleted by Cleanup, they are instead moved to
a subdirectory of the directory given as value to this field.
This directory has to be on the same partition as the incoming
directory and files are moved (i.e. owner and permission stay
the same) and never copied.
These files specified by the Uploaders header in the distribution defi-
nition as explained above describe what key a .changes file as to be
signed with to be included in that distribution.
Empty lines and lines starting with a hash are ignored, every other
line must be of one of the following nine forms or an include direc-
allow condition by anybody
which allows everyone to upload packages matching condition,
allow condition by unsigned
which allows everything matching that has no pgp/gpg header,
allow condition by any key
which allows everything matching with any valid signature in or
allow condition by key key-id
which allows everything matching signed by this key-id (to be
specified without any spaces). If the key-id ends with a +
(plus), a signature with a subkey of this primary key also suf-
key-id must be a suffix of the id libgpgme uses to identify this
key, i.e. a number of hexdigits from the end of the fingerprint
of the key, but no more than what libgpgme uses. (The maximal
number should be what gpg --list-key --with-colons prints, as of
the time of this writing that is at most 16 hex-digits).
allow condition by group groupname
which allows every member of group groupname. Groups can be ma-
nipulated by
group groupname add key-id
to add a key-id (see above for details) to this group, or
group groupname contains groupname
to add a whole group to a group.
To avoid warnings in incomplete config files there is also
group groupname empty
to declare a group has no members (avoids warnings that it is
used without those) and
group groupname unused
to declare that a group is not yet used (avoid warnings that it
is not used).
A line starting with include causes the rest of the line to be inter-
preted as filename, which is opened and processed before the rest of
the file is processed.
The only conditions currently supported are:
* which means any package,
source 'name'
which means any package with source name. ('*', '?' and '[..]'
are treated as in shell wildcards).
sections 'name'(|'name')*
matches an upload in which each section matches one of the names
given. As upload conditions are checked very early, this is the
section listed in the .changes file, not the one from the over-
ride file. (But this might change in the future, if you have
the need for the one or the other behavior, let me know).
sections contain 'name'(|'name')*
The same, but not all sections must be from the given set, but
at least one source or binary package needs to have one of those
binaries 'name'(|'name')*
matches an upload in which each binary (type deb or udeb)
matches one of the names given.
binaries contain 'name'(|'name')*
again only at least one instead of all is required.
architectures 'architecture'(|'name')*
matches an upload in which each package has only architectures
from the given set. source and all are treated as unique archi-
tectures. Wildcards are not allowed.
architectures contain 'architecture'(|'architecture')*
again only at least one instead of all is required.
byhand matches an upload with at least one byhand file (i.e. a file
with section byhand or raw-something).
byhand 'section'(|'section')*
matches an upload with at least one byhand file and all byhand
files having a section listed in the list of given section.
(i.e. byhand 'byhand'|'raw-*' is currently is the same as by-
distribution 'codename'
which means any package when it is to be included in codename.
As the uploaders file is given by distribution, this is only
useful to reuse a complex uploaders file for multiple distribu-
Putting not in front of a condition, inverses it's meaning. For exam-
allow not source 'r*' by anybody
means anybody may upload packages which source name does not start with
an 'r'.
Multiple conditions can be connected with and and or, with or binding
stronger (but both weaker than not). That means
allow source 'r*' and source '*xxx' or source '*o' by anybody
is equivalent to
allow source 'r*xxx' by anybody
allow source 'r*o' by anybody
(Other conditions will follow once somebody tells me what restrictions
are useful. Currently planned is only something for architectures).
With --ignore on the command line or an ignore line in the options
file, the following type of errors can be ignored:
brokenold (hopefully never seen)
If there are errors parsing an installed version of package, do
not error out, but assume it is older than anything else, has
not files or no source name.
If a .changes or .dsc file contains at least one invalid signa-
ture and no valid signature (not even expired or from an expired
or revoked key), reprepro assumes the file got corrupted and re-
fuses to use it unless this ignore directive is given.
brokenversioncmp (hopefully never seen)
If comparing old and new version fails, assume the new one is
If a .changes file has an explicit Source version that is dif-
ferent the to the version header of the file, than reprepro as-
sumes it is binary non maintainer upload (NMU). In that case,
source files are not permitted in .changes files processed by
include or processincoming. Adding --ignore=dscinbinnmu allows
it for the include command.
emptyfilenamepart (insecure)
Allow strings to be empty that are used to construct filenames.
(like versions, architectures, ...)
Allow one to includedeb files that do not end with .deb, to in-
cludedsc files not ending in .dsc and to include files not end-
ing in .changes.
forbiddenchar (insecure)
Do not insist on Debian policy for package and source names and
versions. Thus allowing all 7-bit characters but slashes (as
they would break the file storage) and things syntactically ac-
tive (spaces, underscores in filenames in .changes files, open-
ing parentheses in source names of binary packages). To allow
some 8-bit chars additionally, use 8bit additionally.
8bit (more insecure)
Allow 8-bit characters not looking like overlong UTF-8 sequences
in filenames and things used as parts of filenames. Though it
hopefully rejects overlong UTF-8 sequences, there might be other
characters your filesystem confuses with special characters,
thus creating filenames possibly equivalent to /mir-
ror/pool/main/../../../etc/shadow (Which should be safe, as you
do not run reprepro as root, do you?) or simply overwriting
your conf/distributions file adding some commands in there. So
do not use this if you are paranoid, unless you are paranoid
enough to have checked the code of your libs, kernel and
ignore (for forward compatibility)
Ignore unknown ignore types given to --ignore.
flatandnonflat (only suppresses a warning)
Do not warn about a flat and a non-flat distribution from the
same source with the same name when updating. (Hopefully never
ever needed.)
malformedchunk (I hope you know what you do)
Do not stop when finding a line not starting with a space but no
colon(:) in it. These are otherwise rejected as they have no de-
fined meaning.
missingfield (safe to ignore)
Ignore missing fields in a .changes file that are only checked
but not processed. Those include: Format, Date, Urgency, Main-
tainer, Description, Changes
missingfile (might be insecure)
When including a .dsc file from a .changes file, try to get
files needed but not listed in the .changes file (e.g. when
someone forgot to specify -sa to dpkg-buildpackage) from the di-
rectory the .changes file is in instead of erroring out.
(--delete will not work with those files, though.)
spaceonlyline (I hope you know what you do)
Allow lines containing only (but non-zero) spaces. As these do
not separate chunks as thus will cause reprepro to behave unex-
pected, they cause error messages by default.
Do not reject a .changes file containing files for a architec-
ture not listed in the Architecture-header within it.
Do not reject a .changes file containing .deb files containing
packages whose name is not listed in the "Binary:" header of
that changes file.
undefinedtarget (hope you are not using the wrong db directory)
Do not stop when the packages.db file contains databases for co-
dename/packagetype/component/architectures combinations that are
not listed in your distributions file.
This allows you to temporarily remove some distribution from the
config files, without having to remove the packages in it with
the clearvanished command. You might even temporarily remove
single architectures or components, though that might cause in-
consistencies in some situations.
undefinedtracking (hope you are not using the wrong db directory)
Do not stop when the tracking file contains databases for dis-
tributions that are not listed in your distributions file.
This allows you to temporarily remove some distribution from the
config files, without having to remove the packages in it with
the clearvanished command. You might even temporarily disable
tracking in some distribution, but that is likely to cause in-
consistencies in there, if you do not know, what you are doing.
unknownfield (for forward compatibility)
Ignore unknown fields in the config files, instead of refusing
to run then.
unusedarch (safe to ignore)
No longer reject a .changes file containing no files for any of
the architectures listed in the Architecture-header within it.
Do not complain about command line options not used by the spec-
ified action (like --architecture).
The include command will accept packages that would otherwise
been rejected by the uploaders file.
wrongarchitecture (safe to ignore)
Do not warn about wrong "Architecture:" lines in downloaded
Packages files. (Note that wrong Architectures are always ig-
nored when getting stuff from flat repostories or importing
stuff from one architecture to another).
wrongdistribution (safe to ignore)
Do not error out if a .changes file is to be placed in a distri-
bution not listed in that files' Distributions: header.
Do not reject a .changes file containing .deb files with a dif-
ferent opinion on what the version of the source package is.
(Note: reprepro only compares literally here, not by meaning.)
Do not reject a .changes file containing .dsc files with a dif-
ferent version.
(Note: reprepro only compares literally here, not by meaning.)
expiredkey (I hope you know what you do)
Accept signatures with expired keys. (Only if the expired key
is explicitly requested).
expiredsignature (I hope you know what you do)
Accept expired signatures with expired keys. (Only if the key
is explicitly requested).
revokedkey (I hope you know what you do)
Accept signatures with revoked keys. (Only if the revoked key
is explicitly requested).
When including a binary or source package without explicitly declaring
a component with -C it will take the first component with the name of
the section, being prefix to the section, being suffix to the section
or having the section as prefix or any. (In this order)
Thus having specified the components: "main non-free contrib
non-US/main non-US/non-free non-US/contrib" should map e.g. "non-US"
to "non-US/main" and "contrib/editors" to "contrib", while having only
"main non-free and contrib" as components should map "non-US/contrib"
to "contrib" and "non-US" to "main".
NOTE: Always specify main as the first component, if you want things to
end up there.
NOTE: unlike in dak, non-US and non-us are different things...
Codename the primary identifier of a given distribution. This are nor-
mally things like sarge, etch or sid.
the name of a file without any directory information.
byhand Changes files can have files with section 'byhand' (Debian) or
'raw-' (Ubuntu). Those files are not packages but other data
generated (usually together with packages) and then uploaded to-
gether with this changes files.
With reprepro those can be stored in the pool next to their
packages with tracking, put in some log directory when using
processincoming, or given to an hook script (currently only pos-
sible with processincoming).
the position relative to the outdir. (as found in "Filename:"
in Packages.gz)
full filename
the position relative to /
The term like sparc, i386, mips, ... . To refer to the source
packages, source is sometimes also treated as architecture.
Things like main, non-free and contrib (by policy and some other
programs also called section, reprepro follows the naming scheme
of apt here.)
Things like base, interpreters, oldlibs and non-free/math (by
policy and some other programs also called subsections).
md5sum The checksum of a file in the format "<md5sum of file> <length
of file>"
Some note on updates
A version is not overwritten with the same version.
reprepro will never update a package with a version it already has.
This would be equivalent to rebuilding the whole database with every
single upgrade. To force the new same version in, remove it and then
update. (If files of the packages changed without changing their name,
make sure the file is no longer remembered by reprepro. Without
--keepunreferencedfiled and without errors while deleting it should al-
ready be forgotten, otherwise a deleteunreferenced or even some __for-
get might help.)
The magic delete rule ("-").
A minus as a single word in the Update: line of a distribution marks
everything to be deleted. The mark causes later rules to get packages
even if they have (strict) lower versions. The mark will get removed if
a later rule sets the package on hold (hold is not yet implemented, in
case you might wonder) or would get a package with the same version
(Which it will not, see above). If the mark is still there at the end
of the processing, the package will get removed.
Thus the line "Update: - rules " will cause all packages to be exactly
the highest Version found in rules. The line "Update: near - rules "
will do the same, except if it needs to download packages, it might
download it from near except when too confused. (It will get too con-
fused e.g. when near or rules have multiple versions of the package and
the highest in near is not the first one in rules, as it never remember
more than one possible spring for a package.
Warning: This rule applies to all type/component/architecture triplets
of a distribution, not only those some other update rule applies to.
(That means it will delete everything in those!)
Environment variables are always overwritten by command line options,
but overwrite options set in the options file. (Even when the options
file is obviously parsed after the environment variables as the envi-
ronment may determine the place of the options file).
The directory in this variable is used instead of the current
directory, if no -b or --basedir options are supplied.
It is also set in all hook scripts called by reprepro (relative
to the current directory or absolute, depending on how reprepro
got it).
The directory in this variable is used when no --confdir is sup-
It is also set in all hook scripts called by reprepro (relative
to the current directory or absolute, depending on how reprepro
got it).
This is not used, but only set in hook scripts called by repre-
pro to the directory in which the pool subdirectory resides
(relative to the current directory or absolute, depending on how
reprepro got it).
This is not used, but only set in hook scripts called by repre-
pro to the dists directory (relative to the current directory or
absolute, depending on how reprepro got it).
This is not used, but only set in hook scripts called by repre-
pro to the value setable by --logdir.
Those two environment variable are set (or unset) in Log: and
ByHandHooks: scripts and hint what command and what file caused
the hook to be called (if there is some).
This environment variable is set (or unset) in Log: scripts and
hint what update or pull rule caused this change.
This environment variable is set (or unset) in Log: scripts and
denotes what other distribution a package is copied from (with
pull and copy commands).
Set in FilterList: and FilterSrcList: scripts.
Not used by reprepro directly. But reprepro uses libgpgme,
which calls gpg for signing and verification of signatures. And
your gpg will most likely use the content of this variable in-
stead of "~/.gnupg". Take a look at gpg(1) to be sure. You can
also tell reprepro to set this with the --gnupghome option.
When there is a gpg-agent running that does not have the
passphrase cached yet, gpg will most likely try to start some
pinentry program to get it. If that is pinentry-curses, that is
likely to fail without this variable, because it cannot find a
terminal to ask on. In this cases you might set this variable
to something like the value of $(tty) or $SSH_TTY or anything
else denoting a usable terminal. (You might also want to make
sure you actually have a terminal available. With ssh you might
need the -t option to get a terminal even when telling gpg to
start a specific command).
By default, reprepro will set this variable to what the symbolic
link /proc/self/fd/0 points to, if stdin is a terminal, unless
you told with --noguessgpgtty to not do so.
Increased verbosity always shows those things one does not want to
know. (Though this might be inevitable and a corollary to Murphy)
Reprepro uses berkeley db, which was a big mistake. The most annoying
problem not yet worked around is database corruption when the disk runs
out of space. (Luckily if it happens while downloading packages while
updating, only the files database is affected, which is easy (though
time consuming) to rebuild, see recovery file in the documentation).
Ideally put the database on another partition to avoid that.
While the source part is mostly considered as the architecture source
some parts may still not use this notation.
gpgme returned an impossible condition
With the woody version this normally meant that there was no
.gnupg directory in $HOME, but it created one and reprepro suc-
ceeds when called again with the same command. Since sarge the
problem sometimes shows up, too. But it is no longer repro-
ducible and it does not fix itself, neither. Try running gpg
--verify file-you-had-problems-with manually as the user repre-
pro is running and with the same $HOME. This alone might fix the
problem. It should not print any messages except perhaps
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: the signature could not be verified.
if it was an unsigned file.
not including .orig.tar.gz when a .changes file's version does not end
in -0 or -1
If dpkg-buildpackage is run without the -sa option to build a
version with a Debian revision not being -0 or -1, it does not
list the .orig.tar.gz file in the .changes file. If you want to
include such a file with reprepro when the .orig.tar.gz file
does not already exist in the pool, reprepro will report an er-
ror. This can be worked around by:
call dpkg-buildpackage with -sa (recommended)
copy the .orig.tar.gz file to the proper place in the pool be-
call reprepro with --ignore=missingfile (discouraged)
leftover files in the pool directory.
reprepro is sometimes a bit too timid of deleting stuff. When
things go wrong and there have been errors it sometimes just
leaves everything where it is. To see what files reprepro re-
members to be in your pool directory but does not know anything
needing them right know, you can use
reprepro dumpunreferenced
To delete them:
reprepro deleteunreferenced
Interrupting reprepro has its problems. Some things (like speaking
with apt methods, database stuff) can cause problems when interrupted
at the wrong time. Then there are design problems of the code making
it hard to distinguish if the current state is dangerous or non-danger-
ous to interrupt. Thus if reprepro receives a signal normally sent to
tell a process to terminate itself softly, it continues its operation,
but does not start any new operations. (I.e. it will not tell the
apt-methods any new file to download, it will not replace a package in
a target, unless it already had started with it, it will not delete any
files gotten dereferenced, and so on).
It only catches the first signal of each type. The second signal of a
given type will terminate reprepro. You will risk database corruption
and have to remove the lockfile manually.
Also note that even normal interruption leads to code-paths mostly
untested and thus expose a multitude of bugs including those leading to
data corruption. Better think a second more before issuing a command
than risking the need for interruption.
Report bugs or wishlist requests to the Debian BTS
(e.g. by using reportbug reprepro under Debian)
or directly to
Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012 Bernhard R.
Link <>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is
reprepro 2013-05-04 REPREPRO(1)
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