mattrib(1) General Commands Manual mattrib(1)
mattrib - change MSDOS file attribute flags
Note of warning
This manpage has been automatically generated from mtools's texinfo
documentation, and may not be entirely accurate or complete. See the
end of this man page for details.
Mattrib is used to change MS-DOS file attribute flags. It has the fol-
lowing syntax:
mattrib [-a|+a] [-h|+h] [-r|+r] [-s|+s] [-/] [-p] [-X] msdosfile [ ms-
dosfiles ... ]
Mattrib adds attribute flags to an MS-DOS file (with the `+' operator)
or remove attribute flags (with the `-' operator).
Mattrib supports the following attribute bits:
a Archive bit. Used by some backup programs to indicate a new
r Read-only bit. Used to indicate a read-only file. Files with
this bit set cannot be erased by DEL nor modified.
s System bit. Used by MS-DOS to indicate a operating system file.
h Hidden bit. Used to make files hidden from DIR.
Mattrib supports the following command line flags:
/ Recursive. Recursively list the attributes of the files in the
X Concise. Prints the attributes without any whitespace padding.
If neither the "/" option is given, nor the msdosfile contains a
wildcard, and there is only one MS-DOS file parameter on the
command line, only the attribute is printed, and not the file-
name. This option is convenient for scripts
p Replay mode. Outputs a series of mformat commands that will re-
produce the current situation, starting from a situation as left
by untarring the MS-DOS file system. Commands are only output
for attribute settings that differ from the default (archive bit
set for files, unset for directories). This option is intended
to be used in addition to tar. The readonly attribute is not
taken into account, as tar can set that one itself.
See Also
Mtools' texinfo doc
Viewing the texi doc
This manpage has been automatically generated from mtools's texinfo
documentation. However, this process is only approximative, and some
items, such as crossreferences, footnotes and indices are lost in this
translation process. Indeed, these items have no appropriate represen-
tation in the manpage format. Moreover, not all information has been
translated into the manpage version. Thus I strongly advise you to use
the original texinfo doc. See the end of this manpage for instructions
how to view the texinfo doc.
* To generate a printable copy from the texinfo doc, run the fol-
lowing commands:
./configure; make dvi; dvips mtools.dvi
* To generate a html copy, run:
./configure; make html
A premade html can be found at `
* To generate an info copy (browsable using emacs' info mode),
./configure; make info
The texinfo doc looks most pretty when printed or as html. Indeed, in
the info version certain examples are difficult to read due to the
quoting conventions used in info.
mtools-4.0.24 22Mar20 mattrib(1)
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