
skbmod action in tc(8)               Linux              skbmod action in tc(8)

       skbmod - user-friendly packet editor action

       tc ... action skbmod { [ set SETTABLE ] [ swap SWAPPABLE  ] [ CONTROL ]
               [ index INDEX ] }

       SETTABLE :=  [ dmac DMAC ]  [ smac SMAC ]  [ etype ETYPE ]

       SWAPPABLE := mac
       CONTROL := { reclassify | pipe | drop | shot | continue | pass }

       The skbmod action is intended as a usability upgrade  to  the  existing
       pedit  action.  Instead  of  having to manually edit 8-, 16-, or 32-bit
       chunks of an ethernet header, skbmod allows  complete  substitution  of
       supported elements.

       dmac DMAC
              Change the destination mac to the specified address.

       smac SMAC
              Change the source mac to the specified address.

       etype ETYPE
              Change the ethertype to the specified value.

       mac    Used  to swap mac addresses. The swap mac directive is performed
              after any outstanding D/SMAC changes.

              The following keywords allow to control how the tree  of  qdisc,
              classes, filters and actions is further traversed after this ac-

                     Restart with the first filter in the current list.

              pipe   Continue with the next action attached to the  same  fil-

              shot   Drop the packet.

                     Continue classification with the next filter in line.

              pass   Finish classification process and return to calling qdisc
                     for further packet processing. This is the default.

       To start, observe the following filter with a pedit action:

              tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1: protocol ip prio 10 \
                   u32 match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid 1:2 \
                   action pedit munge offset -14 u8 set 0x02 \
                   munge offset -13 u8 set 0x15 \
                   munge offset -12 u8 set 0x15 \
                   munge offset -11 u8 set 0x15 \
                   munge offset -10 u16 set 0x1515 \

       Using the skbmod action, this command can be simplified to:

              tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1: protocol ip prio 10 \
                   u32 match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid 1:2 \
                   action skbmod set dmac 02:15:15:15:15:15 \

       Complexity will increase if source mac and  ethertype  are  also  being
       edited  as  part  of  the action. If all three fields are to be changed
       with skbmod:

              tc filter add dev eth5 parent 1: protocol ip prio 10 \
                   u32 match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid 1:2 \
                   action skbmod \
                   set etype 0xBEEF \
                   set dmac 02:12:13:14:15:16 \
                   set smac 02:22:23:24:25:26

       Finally, swap the destination and source mac addresses in the header:

              tc filter add dev eth3 parent 1: protocol ip prio 10 \
                   u32 match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid 1:2 \
                   action skbmod \
                   swap mac

       As mentioned above, the swap action will occur  after  any    smac/dmac
       substitutions are executed, if they are present.

       tc(8), tc-u32(8), tc-pedit(8)

iproute2                          21 Sep 2016           skbmod action in tc(8)
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