
MAPSCRN(8)                   International Support                  MAPSCRN(8)

       mapscrn - load screen output mapping table

       mapscrn [-V] [-v] [-o map.orig] mapfile

       The  mapscrn  command  is  obsolete - its function is now built-in into
       setfont.  However, for backwards compatibility it is still available as
       a separate command.

       The mapscrn command loads a user defined output character mapping table
       into the console driver. The console driver may be later put  into  use
       user-defined mapping table mode by outputting a special escape sequence
       to the console device.  This sequence is <esc>(K for the  G0  character
       set and <esc>)K for the G1 character set.  When the -o option is given,
       the old map is saved in map.orig.

       There are two kinds of mapping tables: direct-to-font tables, that give
       a  font  position  for each user byte value, and user-to-unicode tables
       that give a unicode value for each user byte. The  corresponding  glyph
       is now found using the unicode index of the font.  The command
              mapscrn trivial
       sets up a one-to-one direct-to-font table where user bytes directly ad-
       dress the font. This is useful for fonts that are in the same order  as
       the character set one uses.  A command like
              mapscrn 8859-2
       sets  up  a  user-to-unicode  table that assumes that the user uses ISO

       The mapscrn command can read the map in either of two formats:
       1. 256 or 512 bytes binary data
       2. two-column text file
       Format (1) is a direct image of the translation  table.  The  256-bytes
       tables are direct-to-font, the 512-bytes tables are user-to-unicode ta-
       bles.  Format (2) is used to fill the table as follows: cell with  off-
       set mentioned in the first column is filled with the value mentioned in
       the second column.  When values larger than 255 occur,  or  values  are
       written  using  the U+xxxx notation, the table is assumed to be a user-
       to-unicode table, otherwise it is a direct-to-font table.

       Values in the file may be specified in one of several formats:
       1. Decimal: String of decimal digits not starting with '0'
       2. Octal: String of octal digits beginning with '0'.
       3. Hexadecimal: String of hexadecimal digits preceded by "0x".
       4. Unicode: String of four hexadecimal digits preceded by "U+".
       5. Character: Single character enclosed in single quotes. (And the  bi-
       nary  value  is  used.)   Note that blank, comma, tab character and '#'
       cannot be specified with this format.
       6. UTF-8 Character: Single (possibly multi-byte) UTF-8  character,  en-
       closed in single quotes.

       Note that control characters (with codes < 32) cannot be re-mapped with
       mapscrn because they have special meaning for the driver.

       -V     Prints version number and exits.

       -v     Be verbose.

       /usr/share/consoletrans is the default directory for screen mappings.


       Copyright (C) 1993 Eugene G. Crosser
       This software and documentation may be distributed freely.

Local                            20 March 1993                      MAPSCRN(8)
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