WebQuiz: a LaTeX package for writing online quizzes -
WebQuiz makes it possible to use LaTeX to write interactive online
quizzes. The quizzes are first written in LaTeX and then converted
into HTML using WebQuiz, which is written in python. The conversion
from LaTeX to HTML is done behind the scenes using TeX4ht. The idea is
that you should be able to produce nice online quizzes using WebQuiz
and basic knowledge of LaTeX.
WebQuiz is designed to be used from the command-line. For example, if
quiz1.tex is a LaTeX file for a quiz then:
latex quiz1
produces a "readable" DVI file for the quiz
pdflatex quiz1
produces a "readable" PDF file for the quiz
webquiz quiz1
creates the web page quiz1.html
If you prefer to use LaTeX from a GUI for LaTeX then it should be pos-
sible to configure it to use WebQuiz directly. As an example, the man-
ual provides some details about how to do this for TeXShop.
usage: webquiz [-h] [-q] [-d] [-s] [--latex | -l | -x] [-r RCFILE]
[-i | -e | --settings [SETTINGS]] [quiz_file [quiz_file ...]]
A LaTeX package for writing online quizzes
positional arguments:
quiz_file latex quiz files
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-q, --quiet
Suppress tex4ht messages (also -qq etc)
-d, --draft
Use make4ht draft mode
-s, --shell-escape
Shell escape for tex4ht/make4ht
Use latex to compile document with make4ht (default)
-l, --lua
Use lualatex to compile the quiz
-x, --xelatex
Use xelatex to compile the quiz
-r RCFILE, --rcfile RCFILE
Specify location of the webquiz rc-file
-i, --initialise, --initialize
Install web components of webquiz
-e, --edit-settings
Edit default settings for webquiz
--settings <SETTINGS>
List default settings for webquiz
To use WebQuiz you need to have a standard LaTeX distribution in-
stalled, such as TeXLive, that includes TeX4ht. In addition, you need
to have Python3 installed. As WebQuiz uses scalable vector graphics
(SVG) you should check that all of the dependencies of dvisvgm are in-
stalled on your system, especially if you plan on using graphics or im-
Once the TeX components of WebQuiz package have been installed you can
install the web components of WebQuiz using the following command,
which needs to be run from the command line:
> webquiz --initialise
If you want to install the web components of WebQuiz into a system di-
rectory then you need to run this command from an administrators ac-
count, so using sudo on a unix-like system. For more details about the
installation and configuration of WebQuiz please see Section 3.2 of the
WebQuiz manual.
Please see the manual for more details about initialising and using
On both unix-like systems (including macosx), and windows systems (us-
ing either TeXLive or MiKTeX), you can install WebQuiz by downloading
the WebQuiz zip file from:
To install the package, unzip this file and change directory to the we-
bquiz/scripts subdirectory run:
> webquiz --tex-install
(or webquiz.bat --text-install on windows). This commands unpacks the
webquiz files into their standard locations in the TeX install tree to
it should be run from an administrators account, or using sudo on a
unix-like system. Roughly what this command does is the following:
o It creates a symbolic link, or equivalent, to the main WebQuiz exe-
cutable, which is the file webquiz.py in the scripts directory
o Copies the latex directory to somewhere in the TeX search path and
then runs mktexlsr so that LaTeX and WebQuiz can find these files.
o Copies the python code into the TeX scripts subdirectory
o Copies the WebQuiz doc subdirectory into the TeX doc/latex subdirec-
If you are using MiKTeX you may need to open the MiKTeX console, go to
the Tasks menu and then rebuild the TeX filename database.
Once the files above are in place initialise WebQuiz by following the
installation instructions above.
Mainly for development purposes, there is another undocumented com-
mand-line option for removing these files from TEXMFMAIN:
> sudo webquiz/scripts/webquiz --tex-uninstall
In order to work WebQuiz needs the following programs to be installed
on your system:
o An up-to-date LaTeX distribution, such as that provided by TeXLive.
In particular, you need to have TeX4ht and make4ht installed. Unfor-
tunately, since TeXLive 2018 was released there have been a signifi-
cat bunber of updates to a number of packahges that WebQuiz uses, in-
cluding updates to TeX4ht, make4ht, tikz and pstricks. For this rea-
son, it is strongly recommended that you all packages from ctan_ be-
fore using WebQuiz_.
o python3 As of writing python 3.7.2 is available.
o Javascript
o If you plan to use pstricks with WebQuiz, or if you want to compile
the online manual for WebQuiz, then you need to ensure that
ghostscript and dvisvgm are installed and properly configured on your
system. See the WebQuiz manual and the dvisvgm documentation for more
o A web server. To view online quizzes you of course need a web server.
As described in the Installation section you will also need to copy
of the WebQuiz components onto your web server using the command:
> webquiz --initialise
The LaTeX component of WebQuiz was written by Andrew Mathas and the
python, css and javascript code was written by Andrew Mathas (and Don
Taylor), based on an initial protype of Don Taylor's from 2001. Since
2004 the program has been maintained and developed by Andrew Mathas.
Although the program has changed substantially since 2004 Don's idea of
using TeX4ht, and some of his code, is still very much in use.
Copyright (C) 2004-2019
GNU General Public License, Version 3, 29 June 2007
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU_General Public License (GPL) as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER-
Public License for more details.
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