TTFDUMP(1) General Commands Manual TTFDUMP(1)
ttfdump - Dumping the contents of a TrueType Font file
ttfdump [-h] [-t tablename] [-g glyphnumber] [-c collection] [-o dump-
file] [-i] ttfile
ttfdump dumps the contents of a TrueType font file in ASCII form. A
TrueType font file is consist of various tables. Those table are di-
vided into two categories - Required Tables and Optional Tables. Muli-
tiple TrueType fonts can be merged to a TrueType Collection.
-h Print a help message on standard output and exit.
-t tablename
If this option is specified then dump the table "tablename",
otherwise dump every tables in ttfile. Tablename can be one of
the following:
Required Tables
cmap character to glyph mapping table
glyf glyph data
head font header
hhea horizontal header
hmtx horizontal metrics
loca index to location
maxp maximum profile
name naming table
post PostScript information
OS/2 OS/2 and windows specific metrics
Optional Tables
cvt control value table
fpgm font program; not implemented yet.
gasp grid-fitting and scan conversion procedure (grayscale)
hdmx horizontal device metrics
kern kerning table
LTSH Linear threshold table
prep CVT program; not implemented yet
PCLT PCL5 table
VDMX Vertical Device Metrics table
vhea vertical metrics header
vmtx vertical metrics
Additional OpenType Tables
GPOS glyph positioning table
GSUB glyph substitution table
-g glyphnumber
If this option is specified then dump the glyph with index
glyphnumber, otherwise dump all glyphs in ttfile.
-c collection
Select a TrueType font in a TrueType Collection.
-o dumpfile
Output of the dump. If this option is not specified, dump to
-i ttfile
TrueType font file to be dumped.
To dump all information in the TrueType font file times.ttf:
ttfdump times.ttf
To dump the required table cmap in the file:
ttfdump -t cmap times.ttf
To dump a single glyph with index 50:
ttfdump -g 50 times.ttf
TrueType 1.0 Font Files, Technical Specification Revision 1.66 Novem-
ber 1995
Instruction disassembler in not implemented.
Li-Da Lho,
ILX Project 14 November 2011 TTFDUMP(1)
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