
PRINTERBANNER(1)          BSD General Commands Manual         PRINTERBANNER(1)

     printerbanner -- print large banner on printer

     printerbanner [-d] [-t] [-w width] message ...

     Banner prints a large, high quality banner on the standard output.  If
     the message is omitted, it prompts for and reads one line of its standard

     The output should be printed on paper of the appropriate width, with no
     breaks between the pages.

     The following options are available:

     -d      Enable debug.

     -t      Enable trace.

     -w width
             Change the output from a width of 132 to width, suitable for a
             narrow terminal.

     Mark Horton

     Several ASCII characters are not defined, notably <, >, [, ], \, ^, _, {,
     }, |, and ~. The same holds for all non ASCII characters.  Also, the
     characters ", ', and & are funny looking (but in a useful way.)

     The -w option is implemented by skipping some rows and columns.  The
     smaller it gets, the grainier the output.  Sometimes it runs letters to-

     Messages are limited to 1024 characters in length.

     This program is called just banner on FreeBSD.

BSD                            January 26, 2005                            BSD
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