
PLOTCHANGELOG(1)            General Commands Manual           PLOTCHANGELOG(1)

       plotchangelog - graph Debian changelogs

       plotchangelog [options] changelog ...

       plotchangelog  is  a tool to aid in visualizing a Debian changelog. The
       changelogs are graphed with gnuplot(1) , with the X axis of  the  graph
       denoting  time  of  release  and the Y axis denoting the Debian version
       number of the package. Each individual release of the package is repre-
       sented  by  a point, and the points are color coded to indicate who re-
       leased that version of the package. The upstream version number of  the
       package can also be labeled on the graph.

       Alternatively,  the Y axis can be configured to display the size of the
       changelog entry for each new version. Or it can be configured  to  dis-
       play approximately how many bugs were fixed for each new version.

       Note that if the package is a Debian-specific package, the entire pack-
       age version will be used for the Y axis. This does not always work per-

       The  general  outline  of  a  package's  graph is typically a series of
       peaks, starting at 1, going up to n, and then returning abruptly to  1.
       The higher the peaks, the more releases the maintainer made between new
       upstream versions of the package. If a  package  is  Debian-only,  it's
       graph  will  just  grow upwards without ever falling (although a bug in
       this program may cause it to fall sometimes, if the version number goes
       from say, 0.9 to say, 0.10 - this is interpreted wrong...)

       If  the  graph  dips below 1, someone made a NMU of the package and up-
       graded it to a new upstream version, thus setting the Debian version to
       0.  NMU's  in general appear as fractional points like 1.1, 2.1, etc. A
       NMU can also be easily detected by looking at the points that represent
       which  maintainer uploaded the package -- a solitary point of a differ-
       ent type than the points before and after it is typically a NMU.

       It's also easy to tell by looking at the points when a package  changes

       -l, --linecount
              Instead  of  using  the Debian version number as the Y axis, use
              the number of lines in the changelog  entry  for  each  version.
              Cannot be used together with --bugcount.

       -b, --bugcount
              Instead  of  using  the Debian version number as the Y axis, use
              the number of bugs that were closed  by  each  changelog  entry.
              Note  that  this  number is obtained by searching for "#dddd" in
              the changelog, and so it may be inaccurate.  Cannot be used  to-
              gether with --linecount.

       -c, --cumulative
              When used together with either --bugcount or --linecount, graphs
              the cumulative count rather than the count  in  each  individual
              changelog entry.

       -v, --no-version
              Do  not  show  upstream version labels. Useful if the graph gets
              too crowded.

       -m, --no-maint
              Do not differentiate between different maintainers of the  pack-

       -s file, --save=file
              Save  the  graph to file in PostScript format instead of immedi-
              ately displaying it.

       -u, --urgency
              Use larger points when  displaying  higher-urgency  package  up-

              Output  the  gnuplot script that is fed into gnuplot (for debug-
              ging purposes).

       -gcommands, --gnuplot=commands
              This allows you to insert gnuplot(1) commands into  the  gnuplot
              script  that  is  used  to  generate the graph. The commands are
              placed after all initialization but before the final  plot  com-
              mand.  This can be used to override the default look provided by
              this program in arbitrary ways. You can  also  use  things  like
              "set  terminal  png color" to change the output file type, which
              is useful in conjunction with the -s option.

       --help Show a usage summary.

              Display version, author and copyright information.

       --noconf, --no-conf
              Do not read any configuration files (see below).

       changelog ...
              The changelog files to graph. If multiple  files  are  specified
              they  will  all be displayed on the same graph. The files may be
              compressed with gzip. Any text in them that  is  not  in  Debian
              changelog format will be ignored.

       The  two configuration files /etc/devscripts.conf and ~/.devscripts are
       sourced by a shell in that order to set configuration  variables.   The
       --no-conf  option can be used to prevent reading these files.  Environ-
       ment variable settings are ignored when these configuration  files  are
       read.  The currently recognised variables are:

              This is a space-separated list of options to always use, for ex-
              ample -l -b.  Do not include -g or --gnuplot among this list  as
              it may be ignored; see the next variable instead.

              These  are  gnuplot commands which will be prepended to any such
              commands given on the command line.


       Joey Hess <>

DEBIAN                         Debian Utilities               PLOTCHANGELOG(1)
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